Sounder Sleep
"Your life is a reflection of how you sleep, and how you sleep is a reflection of your life."
-Dr. Rafael Pelayo, Clinical Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Science - Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine
Hypnosis is a technique which allows us to directly influence the subconscious.
By this means it is possible to achieve changes in a permanent form and often much faster than with conventional methods.
Hypnosis or "hypnotherapy" is a natural treatment for chronic sleep disorders, a problem estimated to affect millions of people each year. Research hints that hypnosis is helpful in achieving sounder sleep.
The Effects of Hypnosis on Sleep
Hypnosis is a trance-like state of mind during which the hypnotized individual experiences deep relaxation, focused attention, and greater openness to suggestion.
Hypnosis is a way to gain greater access to the individual's unconscious mind, while at the same time lessening the likelihood that the person will inject conscious worries, anxiety, or redirection into the process of treatment.
Because of its ability to increase responsiveness, hypnosis is frequently used to alter behaviors and reactions that could be contributing to chronic health problems (such as insomnia and other sleep disorders).
Call me for an appointment in Frankfurt and Bad Vilbel 0177 4512080