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The Cure of the Inner Child

Milton Erickson, one of the greatest hypnotists, is supposed to have said: „It is never too late for a happy childhood“.

Positive and negative emotions and experiences of our childhood define our emotions and are deeply anchored in our brains. The child who wasn't really loved, lives in permanent fear of being rejected.

People who received very little love and recognition in their childhood, have a very disturbed self-esteem and therefore can easily be hurt emotionally.

The associated wrong limiting-beliefs are the following:

• I can't and shall not seek my own happiness, as others can do that better than me.

• Other people are responsible for my emotions and I'm responsible for theirs.

• It would be selfish and wrong, if I was to seek my own happiness.

• In the very essence of myself I'm not a good person.

• It is good practice to reject and ignore any needs I could have for love and affection.

With the help of hypnosis therapy, we try to solve and cure these injuries from childhood. The aim is to feel as a whole person, deserving to be loved and to eliminate in this way any feelings of guilt or shame.

With hypnosis, the very essence of the adult will decide to accept his/her inner child. This will develop a new, helpful mindset:

• I become responsible for my own happiness.

• I am ready to experience and accept my feelings.

• I am open to changes and new experiences in my life.

• I am strong enough to care for myself and become responsible for my own well-being.

• I allow myself to feel curious, playful, silly, spontaneous, alive and sensitive.

• I also allow myself to feel angry or sad, because every possible emotion is a part of myself.

As they accept responsability for themselves, people become independent of the opinion or benevolence of others. They begin to understand that it isn't a bad thing, nor physical or mentally, to care for their own well-being.

Session available in Frankfurt and Bad Vilbel.



© Institut Dr. Zottmann

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